Spanish Mass Market Retail: Mercadona leads, but regional chains gain ground


Inflation has changed many mass market topics, and sometimes the distribution of market shares. In Spain, for instance, changes have been significant. Inside a traditionally highly competitive market in terms of prices, Mercadona‘s performance increased his market share from 23.1% (March 2021) to 26.4% (December 2024, source: Kantar) with 1.600 stores. Carrefour, the country’s second-largest retailer, grew less but still increased its market share by 0.7% during the same period. Lidl, the third player, recorded significant growth: its share rose from 5.4% in March 2021 to 6.6% at the end of December 2024 with 700 stores.

Chains that focus on price competitiveness achieved better results than more traditional supermarkets. However, not all retailers increased their market share. Some retailers struggled, causing a reevaluation of their strategies in the market.

Spanish consumers are becoming more attentive to regional offerings. According to spanish magazine Cinco Días, actually regional supermarket chains are Mercadona’s main challengers. Over the past three years, these chains have achieved significant growth. Altogether, they reached a market share of 17.7% at the end of 2024.

Bernardo Rodilla, Retail Manager at Kantar, told to Cinco Días that private labels have played a key role. In a context of strong price pressure, they continued to grow. At the same time, regional chains have gained ground, particularly in areas where Mercadona has a weaker presence.

The main regional players include Consum, Ahorramas, Gadisa, Froiz, BM Supermercados and many others. Northern Spain is particularly challenging for Mercadona. In this area, Eroski, the fourth-largest operator in the national market, dominates.

Discount retailers are growing, but in Spain, they have not achieved the same success as in other European markets. Their market share is estimated to be between 12% and 12.5%, significantly lower than in other countries. Lidl, the leader among discount retailers in Spain, recorded strong growth. Aldi is also investing in the Spanish market. It has reached 500 stores and plans further openings in the coming years.

The Spanish retail market is highly competitive. On one side, it is dominated by major players. On the other, small regional operators are achieving increasing success, despite holding smaller market shares.

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